Game server record
Descriere...Server Name: OriginalMT2
Open channels: 4 functional channels
Max level: 250
Status points: 175
The server runs [24]x[24] hours a day.
Server website: https://originalmt2.com/
Server Forum:
Registration: https://originalmt2.com/users/register
Client: https://originalmt2.com/download
Server presentation: https://originalmt2.com/details/
Experience rate: 1000%
Yang rate: 1000%
Item Rate: 1000%
Server details: OriginalMt2 is a medium pvm-pvp server with max lvl 250 NON DONATIONS! Opened on 01/02/2023, at the beginning of the server the player receives items of lvl 1 +9. School box containing PVM weapon - armor skins (bandit set) + bonus from staff members consisting of MD, GoldBar (5pcs x 500kk), add and change bonus 6/7.
There are 9 maps to grow for each level 0-250 and at the middle you drop upp-rui for items.
There are 7 dungeons from lvl 40-250 where you drop armor, accessories, weapons and special upps such as MD (the last 2 dungeons 50MD x1).
Everything in the item shop can be crafted in the game, but can also be bought with MD made in dungeons.
Events: Hide, number, ox, pvm event, world boss daily (random will be announced on discord)
Event details:
Game team: Monday: Stone event in Seungryong Valley at 20:00 CET Time.
Tuesday: Doble Yang Drop at 16:00 CET Time for 24h.
Wednesday: Moonlight event from 8:00 at 13:00 and 20:00 at 01:00 CET Time.
Thursday: Hexagonal event from 8:00 at 13:00 and 20:00 at 01:00 CET Time.
Friday: Letters event from 8:00 at 13:00 and 20:00 at 01:00 CET Time.
Friday: World Boss in Seungryong Valley at 20:00 CET Time.
Saturday: Doble Exp at 16:00 CET Time for 48h.
Sunday: Empire War at 18:00 CET Time.
Sunday: Stone event in Seungryong Valley at 20:00 CET Time.
Sunday: World Boss in Seungryong Valley at 20:00 CET Time.
Game Team: [OWN]Lilith
[GM] Lucifer
[GM] Neighborhood